Sunday, August 24, 2014

Today -100: August 24, 1914: Of literal pieces, dum-dums, and ex-kings

Japan declares war on Germany.

The NYT says that three regiments of the Austrian Army were “literally cut to pieces at the confluence of the Rivers Drina and Save.”  I guess literally in this case does mean literally.

Cardinal Agliardi wants the war suspended while a new pope is elected.

The Swedish parliament’s lower house rejects women’s suffrage.

France files a complaint with the signatories of the Hague Conventions against Germany’s use of dum-dum bullets (designed to expand inside the body), which were banned as inhumane in 1899.

Prince William of Albania has fled the country after a rather short reign.  (Actually this report seems to be premature by a week or so).  The European powers which put him on the throne and kept him there for lo these many weeks are presently engaged elsewhere.

Having read, and published, the reports of both the British and German government on Who Started The War Certainly Not Us, the NYT concludes “that this is a war brought on not by peoples, not in the interests of peoples, but by dynasties for their own interests.”

New York suffragists believe that they could receive the vote – although only for the office of president – through a simple law rather than an amendment to the state constitution following a referendum, because the US constitution leaves the manner in which members of the Electoral College are selected up to the state legislatures.

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