Wednesday, September 01, 2004

GUEST POST: Bush's Upcoming Post-Convention Drop

I've heard that "ABBA, The Movie" is rather entertaining to watch -- if you're stoned. But if you watch it again, this time with a clear head, the general reaction is considerably less positive. In New York now, the Republicans are busily replaying "The Great Unflinching Bush," a production that got great reviews during its out-of-town tryouts in the wake of the attack on the twin towers. But it's been three years, and our minds have cleared from the state of altered consciousness induced by 9/11. It's not just that we know Bush's first response to news of the attacks was to re-read his favorite passages from My Pet Goat. Nor is it just that we know he ignored the Presidential Daily Briefing, warning of such attacks. It isn't even that we as a nation have become quite disenchanted with his war in Iraq -- the fictitious WMDs, the lost lives, the dubious links to bin Laden. It's simply that we're no longer in the attack-induced stupor. "The Great Unflinching Bush" isn't much to watch if one isn't scared shitless and blindly jingoistic. So my prediction is that the replaying of this production is going make many viewers wonder, "Why did I think this was so good when I saw it a few years ago?" Watch his approval rating drop.

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